Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL 4th Edition | 579.5 MB
Sering kita dapatkan, salah satu syarat lanjut study di luar negeri, atau lolos dalam
penerimaan tenaga kerja di suatu instansi adalah dengan skor TOEFL yang
tinggi. Tau kan apa itu TOEFL tes. Ya, tes yang menguji seluruh kemampuan Bahasa Inggris kita, baik itu vocab, grammar, reading, listening, dll. Nah untuk mengetes seluruh kemampuan tersebut, maka diciptakanlah suatu tes yang di dalamnya terintegrasi berbagai jenis soal. Ngeri kan...Olehnya itu, biar gak gemetar waktu tesnya, ada baiknya kita belajar dulu. Dimana??? ya disini, iya disini. Menggunakan software yang satu ini, maka inshaAllah kita akan lebih siap menghadapi test TOEFL dengan kepala tegak. wkkk.
Nih Deskripsi dari situs resminya.
Preparation for the TOEFL® Test, Fourth Edition, helps students master
the language skills they need to succeed on the TOEFL® iBT and
communicate effectively in an academic setting. Using an integrated
skills approach that mirrors the structure of the TOEFL® iBT, this fully
revised text is ideal for classroom use and self-study. The CD-ROM
includes the tests from the book plus three additional practice tests in
an electronic format that simulates the online TOEFL® iBT. The audio
program, available on Audio CDs or Audio Cassettes, contains
conversations, lectures, and all listening material for all listening
exercises and test questions.
Key Features
- A TOEFL-format Diagnostic Test and Practice Tests in the book as well as on an interactive CD-ROM
- More than 200 skill-building exercises fully updated for the Internet-based exam
- Seven hours of listening material on Audio Cassette or CD
- A Building Supporting Skills section that provides help in note taking, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and study strategies
- Mini-tests for checking progress
- End-of-section tests for assessing skills
- An answer key with explanations of correct answers and references to relevant book exercises for further study
- Students can send their test scores, as well as their spoken and written responses, to their teachers electronically
The Student Book comes packaged with the interactive CD-ROM. The CD-ROM is also sold separately.
Product Details
Paperback: 616 pages
Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 4th edition (September 11, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0521755840
ISBN-13: 978-0521755849
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