Hati-hatilah ketika Anda berbicara dengan orang lain, apalagi tentang sesuatu yang sangat sensitif. Jangan sampai melukai hatinya. Ingat kata pepatah: "Mulutmu adalah Harimaumu."
Perhatikan caranya sebagai berikut:
Memulai Membicarakan Hal-hal yang Sensitif
- Can I talk to you for a minute?
- Can I ask you something?
- Do you mind if I ask you something?
- I need to talk to you for a minute.
- I have to tell you something.
- There's something I need to tell you.
- There's something I think you should know.
- We need to talk.
Waktu berhadapan dengan hal-hal yang sensitif
- I don't mean to be rude, but...
- I hate to tell you this, but...
- I don't know how to tell you this, but...
- You might not like what I have to say, but...
- I wish I didn't have to tell you this, but...
- This may be unpleasant, but...
- This may seem blunt, but...