Apa bahasa inggris ‘pulsa’ dan ‘sisa pulsa’? Jangan sekali-kali menyebutnya dengan ‘pulse’ dan ‘pulse remains’, karena pasti maksud Anda tidak akan dimengerti.
Telepon prabayar dalam bahasa Inggris yang umum disebut dengan istilah pay-as-you-go, pay-as-you-talk, pay and go, prepaid wireless, atau prepay. Istilah-istilah lainnya yang perlu anda tahu ialah sebagai berikut:
Pulsa = credit
Beli pulsa =Purchase credit
Saldo/sisa pulsa = balance
Mengecek sisa pulsa = query the balance
isi ulang = top up
isi ulang pulsa = top up the balance
isi pulsa disini = top up here
masa tenggang = time limit/ grace period
isi ulang elektrik = electronic reloading
Ini beberapa ungkapan yang biasa diucapkan ketika pulsa habis:
"I am out of my phone's credit."
"I'm running out of minutes."
"I am running out of mobile credit."
"My credit balance is running out."
"I do not have any credit for my phone, I couldn't call or texting
you, please call back."
Jika ingin mengisi pulsa:
"I'd like to add minutes to my cellphone."
"I would like to top up my mobile phone with (a/two/etc) .....
(US/Pound/etc) vouchers."
Exp:I would like to top up my mobile phone with two 50 pound vouchers.